Monday, January 31, 2005

Obi Wan Kenobi visits a car shop

Part of my life away from this blog involves trying to ensure that my website stays at the top of the Google charts for certain search terms, such as Paul Magrs and Iris Wildthyme. Fortunately they're not exactly common names, so it's not really rocket science.

However, over the six months or so the site's been up, I've noticed all sorts of esoteric search terms leading to me, including the following which (I have to assume) led to disappointed readers viewing my non-pornographic, sf-oriented pages and which will now hopefully be directed here instead.

  • ice cream tattoo fat
  • short story murderer inside the house at the end
  • she squirts
  • obi wan kenobi visits a car shop
  • batman robin slash fiction
  • faking a bus pass
  • catastrophes of the sixties
  • neckwear worn by fred from scooby doo
  • britain france channel tunnel how long
  • dalek slash robot come
  • anais nin come as your madness party
  • significance of beads through the sixties
  • emma peel slash
  • spiritual leader beatles sixties

I'm particularly taken with the whole concept of Dalek slash fiction...


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